The Heart Grow
The Heart Grow is an audio-driven Zoom gathering for six participants that provides participants with tools, pathways, and space for self-reflection.
In the weeks preceding and following the murder of George Floyd, JETco. conducted a series of interviews with folks in our lives in an attempt to unlock and document a small sliver of the feelings, experiences, heartaches, joys, and complications of life in quarantine amidst the chaos and racial reckoning of 2020. We asked six questions of twenty people and received one hundred and twenty responses. The Heart Grow is our weaving together of those responses in a way that, we hope, provokes reflection or tears or laughter or … something.
In any given iteration of The Heart Grow, participants come together on Zoom and listen to constructed audio files that contain music and spoken responses to six questions. After each question, participants complete a brief reflection and response activity at the direction of the host.
“Love is always better when we take time to get back to who we are when we are apart.
Distance makes the heart grow.”
— Emily King
The Heart Grow is currently in development. Please reach out to us at heyjetco@gmail.com if you’re interested in learning more or if you’d like to bring this gathering to you. You can preview a small excerpt of the script for The Heart Grow below: